Seacrest Sober Living
Rules & regulations for residency
Seacrest Sober Living is dedicated to providing a supportive community where men and women in early recovery can restore themselves to healthy sober individuals. We believe that recovery is a process and requires the right level of support to move our residents toward a positive clean and sober life. The key to success in recovery is a solid foundation, which Seacrest Sober Living provides, while encouraging our residents to develop within themselves. Each resident agrees to an individual plan during his stay with us.
- The use or possession of drugs or alcohol is not permitted on or off the property, either of which will result in immediate expulsion.
- All residents must notify staff upon admission and during tenancy of prescribed medications and by whom they were prescribed.
- Abuse of any mind and body altering substance, prescribed or over the counter, shall result in immediate expulsion from the property.
- The use or possession of performance enhancing drugs / supplements is prohibited at all times on and off the property—protein powders, etc. may be approved at director’s discretion.
- Random drug testing is mandatory and is the financial responsibility of the tenant.
- Rooms, personal property, and person may be randomly searched for drugs and alcohol by staff.
- Smoking is allowed in back of property only. No congregating in front of house is permitted at any time. All cigarettes must be extinguished in designated receptacle.
- Curfew is 11:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, 1:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday. 10:00 p.m. seven days a week for first 30 days. This is strictly enforced. Requests for extension to curfew for work related responsibilities must be made in writing and approved by director.
- Current work schedules must be posted at all times.
- All tenants must be dressed and beds made no later than 9:00 a.m. Monday through Friday and must be off the property by 9:30 a.m. Adjustments can be made to these times with written consent and approval by director.
- It is mandatory that during the first 30 days of your residency at Seacrest Transitional Living, you attend five meetings per week. A schedule of meetings will be available at all times.
- During your entire stay at Seacrest Sober Living regular meetings must be attended, including one mandatory weekly “house” meeting.
- The expression or acting of violence, yelling or verbal threats and physical aggression will not be tolerated.
- Anyone showing a difference in treatment or favor, or showing hatred or dislike to any group, race, religion, etc. will be expelled.
- No negative contracts of any nature between tenants shall be tolerated and is cause for immediate expulsion.
- Gambling in any form in not permitted on or off the property.
- Each person is responsible for the cleanliness of their room and the overall cleanliness and organization of the house.
- Visitors of tenants must be approved by staff and absolutley no visitors are ever permitted in any bedrooms.
- Any and all sexual activity will not be tolerated on the property.
- No pornography of any type is allowed — magazines or cell phones, etc.
- The ordering of “pay-per-view” or “on-demand” movies is prohibited at Seacrest Transitional Living unless approved by staff and paid in advance.
- While residing at Seacrest Sober Living, bars, hookah bars, strip clubs, casinos, gun shops and shows and shooting ranges are strictly off limits.
- No lending or borrowing money or vehicles within the Seacrest Sober Living community.
- No business or commercial transactions are to be conducted with any other Seacrest Transitional Living resident or their families.
- Repairing or washing vehicles on the Seacrest Sober Living property or on neighborhood streets is not allowed.
- No bicycles are allowed in the house.
- No dirty dishes are to be left in the sink. Wash, dry and restock them immediately after use.
- Food: if you did not pay for it… do not eat it.
- Mandatory general cleanup shall be held every Sunday and be completed no later than 4:00 p.m.