How To Confront A Drug Addict Living In Your House?

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Some drug treatment specialists argue that an addict’s chemical dependency can be just as challenging for their family to cope with. Upon discovering a loved one possesses an addiction, close relations often desperately strive to free dependents of this demon.

That said, the process of confronting an addict must be undertaken with extreme caution.

Signs One Is Living With A Drug Addict

Many people may suspect that their spouse, child, parent, roommate, or friend is using or abusing a particular substance. However, before confronting said subject, the suspecting party should alert themselves to specific signs indicating or even confirming this is the case.

Possible factors might appear through various physical, psychological, and social manifestations.


Those dependent upon various substances might experience physical manifestations like:

  • Insomnia or excessive sleeping
  • Weight loss
  • Appetite fluctuations
  • Red, irritated eyes
  • Declining physical, aesthetic appearance

Moreover, every addictive substance produces its own set of withdrawal symptoms. That said, occurrences common to numerous substances, include digestive problems, tremors, headaches, intense cravings, perspiration, cognitive decline, and mood alterations.


Chemical dependents will often display psychological symptoms, such as using prodigious amounts over shorter and shorter durations, growing more and more reliant on the substance to function, and identifying any reason or excuse to use.


Those suspecting a loved one has grown dependent upon a specific substance is asked to watch out for social issues including:

  • Financial problems
  • Loss of interest in hobbies or activities they used to enjoy
  • Isolation
  • Disassociation with old friends and acquaintances and the establishment of new relationships

Moreover, persons with serious addictions might grow so desperate to acquire drugs or the money to cover the purchase of said substances that they engage in illegal activities and incur legal problems.

Tips For Confronting A Suspected Addict

The easiest method of confrontation is to be direct and accusatory. However, such efforts are often counterproductive.

In many cases, hostility or aggressive questioning or accusations might drive a greater wedge between factions. Furthermore, said behavior could even worsen the addict in question’s dependency.

Addiction treatment professionals recommend employing tips like:

Seeking The Counsel Of Those With Experience

Sometimes, seeking the counsel of persons with experience proves valuable. Many people have good intentions but few who dispense advice will often truly not hold a firm grasp of the situation at hand.

However, individuals who have gone through similar circumstances with a family member could shed unique insight into the actions they took that were successful and unsuccessful.

Be Compassionate

Kinfolk or other close associations need to remember that the addict is dealing with a serious illness. However, like any other ailment, getting better hinges on receiving proper treatment.

That said, loved ones must display the same compassion they would have for one diagnosed with significant diseases like cancer and heart problems.

Try The Group Approach

Occasionally, an addict might be convinced to seek treatment by a group of caring family members, friends, co-workers, and other important associations.

However, interventions must be handled with extreme caution. The tenor of such gatherings cannot be the slightest bit hostile.

Rather, treatment industry professionals recommend that every person present engages in actions like stating the positive impact the dependent has had on their lives and stress the reasons said individuals want that subject to overcome their problem.

Do Not Try And Force The Issue

Typically, addicts will not respond favorably to demands or ultimatums. Attempting to force the issue or stonewall the dependent into accepting treatment will not often yield positive results.

Loved ones must remember that no one other than the addict can decide when and if to get assistance. Ultimately, the subject in question has to come to the realization that they possess a major, potentially life-threatening problem and know that they need help addressing said flaw.

Important Considerations

Occasionally, addiction could be so bad or other underlying problems might exist that necessitate more aggressive intervention.

For example, if the struggling individual’s dependency has led to serious health problems or they possess a major underlying illness, a more aggressive stance might be needed.

Reaching Out To Us

Persons experiencing the pain of watching their loved ones deal with a suspected addiction are urged to contact us at 866-963-7200.

The team of professionals based at our southern Florida location can help identify addictive behavior, offer suggestions regarding how to confront dependents, and encourage them to seek professional care.

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