Many people underestimate just how beneficial recovery programs can be. Apart from aiding people to quit addictive habits, there are numerous beneficial skills that patients learn. Such skills can be channeled effectively and used to advance one’s career. This article will help you learn how to apply recovery skills in your job.
How my recovery skills can be applied at work
To Foster Improved Communication
These days, more and more employees are required to include communication skills in their job descriptions. In other words, communication skills are something that you need to master to be successful at work. Gathering and sharing information are two essential skills that can be applied during communications. In recovery programs, participants learn numerous ways of improving their social skills.
Most addicts tend to possess social anxiety, which recovery programs aim at fixing. To improve one’s social skills, one learns how to communicate effectively with others. Effective communication is key when it comes to maintaining a healthy work environment. Besides improving relationships at work, communication can help people feel more confident and secure at their jobs. Communication skills are highly important in the workplace because they help prevent the negative effects of a lack of open lines of communication.
To Improve Assertiveness
Assertiveness and self-esteem go hand in hand. Those who’ve gone through recovery programs tend to be highly assertive. Taking the initiative to quit alcohol and drugs is good, but it’s not always enough. Recovering patients often suffer from low self-esteem and rely on assertiveness to fully recover. Being assertive means standing up for what you believe in and communicating with people clearly and effectively. Regarding communication, being assertive means expressing your true feelings and opinions about something important to you. Being able to handle your emotions and being assertive can help you deal with stressful situations at work without losing control of yourself. Sometimes, it’s hard to know how you’re feeling when dealing with stressful situations at work because our feelings are so complex. It’s not always easy to tell the difference between your thoughts and feelings. By communicating clearly and directly, you will know when you’re starting to feel pressure at work.
To Enhance Resilience
Those who go through recovery programs end up developing resilience. It happens particularly during goal-setting. Addicts in recovery programs must set weekly or monthly goals to measure their progress. Achieving these goals fosters resilience in a recovering individual. Being resilient at work is important because if you’re resilient, you’re more determined and open to seeing things from a different perspective. You are also able to deal with problems as they come up.
To Heighten Decision-Making
Many addicts suffer from low self-esteem and poor decision-making. Recovery programs help patients curb their addictions and make better life decisions. Often people make poor short-term decisions because they don’t care enough about the consequences of their actions to think them through properly. At workplaces, simple mistakes such as saying goodbyes to colleagues too often or asking for extra support in a time crunch can significantly impact an individual’s career. Individuals who go through recovery programs develop an increased level of responsibility for their actions. In workplaces like recovery programs, one is held accountable by others for the right thing being done.
They, therefore, develop the ability to make good decisions. Making good decisions at work can even lead to promotion and other career advancements. Recovery programs undoubtedly contribute significantly to improving people’s lives and overall well-being. These programs equip patients with numerous useful skills. Most people fail to recognize how such skills can benefit workplaces. Assertiveness, resilience, and good decision-making can considerably improve one’s career path. If you are ready to join the program and get started call now at 866-963-7200.