For people recovering from substance abuse or mental health issues, a sober living facility is an ideal environment to live in. However, they need some downtime after they finish treatment to relax and restore their minds and bodies. It’s important to talk with your therapist or a sober living staff member about how long you should stay there. For some, this might be up to a year or more. Other people may feel comfortable leaving when their situation has stabilized, and the help of these facilities has decreased significantly. Here are factors determining how long you should stay at your sober living facility after finishing treatment.
The Severity of Your Substance Abuse or Mental Illness
It’s important to note that the amount of time you spend at your sober living residence will vary depending on the severity of your substance abuse or mental health disorders. Someone who is in their first month at a rehab facility might not require as much assistance from a sober living community as someone who has been there for years and has struggled to stay clean.
Your Individual Needs
Depending on the severity of your addiction, you may feel depleted by the time you finish treatment. You might need to accept that you’re going to relapse before you finish recovery and decide whether or not you can get clean again. If so, a sober living facility can provide support and encouragement during this time. Or, if you’re fine with that, a residential rehab program would be more suitable for someone who feels stable enough in their recovery to leave right away.
The Help You Get from the Rehab Facility
In most cases, you should stay at your sober living facility until you finish your outpatient therapy sessions. After all, you need to learn how to adjust to a sober life, which might take some time. If your therapist recommends that you stay longer than expected, do it even if it feels like a setback in your recovery. It’s worth taking more time to get the help of a professional therapist or recover in a comfortable living environment. Plus, if you decide to leave early, you can reference the above points to help you decide on your next step.
If You Plan on Relapsing Again
In cases where you plan on relapsing in the future, it’s best to stay in a sober living facility for as long as possible. You might enjoy the freedom of life outside of a treatment center, but you’ll likely give in to temptation. After all, that is perfectly normal for people who have been addicted to drugs or alcohol for years. For example, if you visit friends in another city and they offer you some drugs, it will be hard to resist their offer. Staying in a sober facility will help you guard against these temptations until you feel comfortable in your home. Then, you can start taking steps towards making healthier choices in the future.
Your Relationship Outside of Your Addiction
It’s important to consider whether or not others in your life can support you in times of need. Maybe your parents or siblings don’t know how to handle your addiction, and a sober living facility is their first step into your life after you’ve finished treatment. Or, perhaps friends and family members are afraid that you will relapse soon and become dependent again on drugs or alcohol. Either way, it’s important to be aware of the people close to you, and they can help comfort you in times of need.
How Satisfied You Are with Your Treatment
Factors such as how much support you get from therapists and the environment are important, but only if your overall experience during treatment is positive. If your therapist is overbearing or gives you conflicting feedback that makes you question your own choices during treatment, you’ll likely relapse upon release. At that point, it can be difficult to trust anyone in this world because they’ve hurt you before. A sober living facility that provides you with a supportive, non-judgmental environment is what you need.
Your Personal Goals
After you leave your treatment facility, it’s important to think about what type of lifestyle you want to live. It may feel like you have more freedom or are more confident after a period spent in a sober living community. You might even decide to get a job after release, so it’s easier to pay bills and support yourself without relying on drugs or alcohol. Are you struggling with addiction? Are you afraid of relapsing upon rehab completion, or have you recovered from addiction and are ready to move on with your life? We have a solution for you! Visit us today to learn more about our high-quality rehab treatment programs and the many benefits of getting sober! Call us at 866-963-7200.