Recovery from substance abuse is a lifelong process that starts from admission. First developed for alcoholic anonymous, the 12 step program is used as a guide by participants trying to free their lives on the dependency of a substance, overcome addiction and alcoholism, and other compulsions. There is no right way to approach the 12 step program; it depends solely on your participant’s needs and will to recover. In some, the process dwells on one step for a long time before feeling comfortable enough to move to the next one. It’s meant to help addicts in their recovery from drugs/alcohol, leading to a fulfilling, independent life.
Substance Abuse
Admission into a sober living home facility is the first step to tackle the problem. By admitting you are powerless against the addiction, be it alcohol or drug use, your intention is clear on getting help to live without its dependency. In a sober living facility, you believe that the professionals have the power to help in whatever way they can.
Addiction and Alcoholism
Substance abuse starts slowly over a significant period before it finally becomes a problem. To determine whether you have a problem with substance abuse, test and see whether your daily routines have shifted since using the substance. Addiction can also be detected by loved ones around you, pinpointing differences in behaviors resulting from addiction to drugs or alcoholism. Denial at first is an entirely normal reaction, and you can even claim to be a working alcoholic or even have a clearer mind when using drugs when at work. The problem is its impact starts slow before effects cannot hide anymore. In a sober living facility, regulations are put in place to curb addictions and alcoholism.
Treatment of Addiction and Alcoholism
Rules and regulations placed by a sober living facility are the first steps of a higher power authority figure that helps curb your shortcomings. As one seeking help you have to:
- Record what the substance abuse has made you lose to move forward.
- Be honest with yourself and record all the wrongs done to yourself and others due to your current lifestyle.
- How you are willing to do right wrongs committed for a better future.
- Recognize why you should not give up
Personal mental treatment also occurs by contracting all hurt persons by your addiction and alcoholism to inform them of your current position and why you are doing it. Not all can be contacted as damage and hurt done to others can be so severe that getting them can be more challenging for them. Acceptance of those circumstances will ensure that you can forgive yourself before moving forward with the physical part of the treatment.
Recovery from Drugs and Alcohol
Sober living facilities have tailor-made programs to help treat individuals depending on needs at a time. The recovery process involves recording progress, feelings, and where you want to be in the future. Information written is helpful as an individual to gauge progress no matter how small for motivation purposes. Lapsing can occur, and it might not be easy to progress from one step of the 12 step programs. Seek enlightenment from the facilities doctors on what to do, connecting with them on what you think is holding you back.
Positive mental health leads to long-term recovery when recovering from addiction and alcoholism. Facilities have different strategies, and choosing a sober living facility with a message that speaks to you will help you transition to independent living clearer. Consider the facilities programs before settling on how they will benefit you and their long-term sustainability. Facilities that have rehab aftercare and long-term addiction support are ideal. Do not forget to consider the state of mind you need to accept the facility before settling on one. For more information, call today at 866-963-7200 for the journey to sobriety programs and other types of programs available.