Does Sober Living Really Have to Come After Treatment?

There are differing thoughts about the steps someone should take after finishing treatment for a substance use disorder. Some feel adamant that you should continue with a sober living environment. Others feel it depends on individual circumstances.

The truth is, it is a very important question, one that should be answered relying on the advice of an addiction professional. So, if you’re at the end of a treatment program for addiction, does sober living really have to come after treatment? Here are three reasons why you should strongly consider sober living after treatment.

Positive Connections

The time immediately following the completion of a treatment program is critical. Besides the obvious challenges of new sobriety, you will be leaving a comfortable and drug-free environment.

You will also be beginning the gradual changes in your recovery support network. The new connections you make must be positive connections that support your recovery. This is the type of network you will find in a sober living environment.

Staff and residents alike will each have a common and primary goal, to stay clean and sober. This new network of positive connections can facilitate finding employment, plus be an understanding ear to listen.

Sober living homes will have people with varying lengths of sobriety. Each of these connections can help you appreciate that it is possible to live without drugs or alcohol. Positive connections are important in early sobriety and sober living helps you establish them.

Relapse Prevention

One common characteristic of all sober living homes is the steadfast restriction on drugs or alcohol. You will not be presented with triggers right in your own home. While staying clean and sober may still have challenges, a no drugs or alcohol in your living environment is important.

The benefit of positive connections at the sober living home will also help to prevent relapse. Sometimes, people with substance use disorders struggle because they have no one to talk with about their cravings and urges. Sober living helps provide a barrier between you and a relapse.

Progressive Responsibility

Heading right back into a difficult home environment, one filled with challenges, can be dangerous to early sobriety. Learning how to deal with life’s responsibilities gradually is important. Sober living gives you this opportunity.

A progressive increase in responsibilities such as rent, bills and self-maintenance helps build a foundation for successful recovery. A sober living home will allow you a chance to rebuild commitments and learn new skills for being responsible for yourself.

Treatment is an excellent first step in recovery. However, the work that comes after recovery may be the most difficult. Walking into tough challenges in a drug and alcohol loaded home environment can be impossible to overcome. Sober living removes that danger.

If you’re approaching the end of a treatment program, or you’re considering an outpatient option, think seriously about a sober living home. If you feel you have a problem with drugs or alcohol, but have not considered treatment, ask for help today.

Treatment is a solid first step towards rebuilding your life. You may discover that a sober living home environment is another smart decision on your journey in recovery. Make a call today, whether it’s to a sober living home or a treatment program. Tomorrow might be too late.